While gold seems to constantly increase in popularity, it might interest you to know that it has limited uses and is therefore more valuable for sentimental reasons than practical ones. While this has been true for hundreds of thousands of years, man’s appetite for it has yet to be quenched and every year we see the price of gold increase in conjunction with its ever increasing scarcity.
That’s why the gold you bought last year may be worth more than when you bought it. People all over the world use gold as their own personal savings account knowing that one day, they’ll be able to sell it for more than they paid. There are even some countries that depend on gold to back their currency and base the value of their money on the current selling price of gold.
Selling gold can be a great way to make some additional income, but you have to be careful and wary of those who would want to take advantage of you and cheat you out of the best price available. Authorized jewelers who specialize as gold buyers are a great way to protect your investment, while still getting the most bang for your buck.
If you’d like to know more about gold buying and how it can help you, contact our offices in San Carlos, Menlo Park, Redwood City, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, CA.