Ring Purchases Important
Perhaps some of the most important purchases you will make in your life will be your engagement and wedding rings. When shopping for a wedding ring, it’s easy to be swayed by heightened emotions, idealized examples from movies, and the marketing of the diamond industry. Under such pressures, you might end up with wedding rings that aren’t right for you. Before you go shopping, be aware of how to buy a wedding ring that fits your budget, style, and taste. When it comes to buying an engagement ring, you will need to navigate the confusing world of colors, styles, shapes and stones.
Pay Attention to Your Budget
Sneaky salespeople like to convince you that an engagement ring’s price tag is directly linked to how much you love someone. Engagement ring magazine spreads usually feature impossibly large diamond rings, but the advertisements are emblazoned with low prices and special deals. Expectant proposers may have sticker shock when the pictures and prices don’t quite add up. Before you waltz up to that counter, blinded by your love and the salesperson’s sales talk, figure out what you can reasonably spend. Generally, wedding rings should account for 3 percent of your wedding budget. So, a $30,000 budget means that the two of you might spend about $900 on both rings. But if one of you wants diamonds or platinum, or feels that wedding rings should be far less expensive, you’ll need to negotiate where that money will come from. If you have to use your credit card or take out a loan, try to have it all paid off before the wedding. (The two-months salary guide was invented by the diamond industry, by the way. Spend what you feel comfortable spending.)
Decide if He Should Have a Wedding Ring, Too
Not all men wear wedding rings, and the decision is one that many couples disagree on. He may not be used to wearing jewelry, or feel uncomfortable with a ring, but to not wear a ring might be sending the wrong signal. Either way, this is a conversation you want to have before you go to the jewelry store. Men’s wedding rings are somewhat of a new phenomenon. Most likely your grandfathers didn’t wear one, yet most modern men do. Vintage and antique ring sets rarely include a band for the groom – only the engagement ring and wedding band for the bride. Why did this trend happen? It was the war. In the United States, it was very rare for a groom to receive a ring before World War II. Yet, during the war, rings became symbols of wives left at home, and their popularity soared. Post-war prosperity allowed even more couples to afford this extra piece of jewelry, and eventually it became the standard. Ever since then, more and more married men each year choose to wear a man’s wedding ring. Certainly you are not required to have a ring, but it will be a comfort when your love is far away, a reminder when temptation is high, and a symbol of pride to the world that you are a married man. For those who are unsure if it will feel comfortable, purchase an inexpensive ring and try it on for a week or so. It will most likely feel uncomfortable and strange at first, but as the week goes on, it will feel more natural. If you think of jewelry as a girl’s thing, fear not. Your ring need not be effeminate. Most men’s wedding rings are simple wide bands that would never be confused with women’s jewelry. On the contrary, such a ring can add to look of strength of your hands. Ask your jeweler to assist you with styles that will most compliment your hand.
Think About Style
Do you want a really classic wedding ring like a simple gold band, or a diamond eternity band? Or do you want to have something modern and unusual? The simpler the band, the more shopping options you’ll have, as it is easy to buy simple wedding rings at almost any jeweler or internet jewelry store. Since this is a ring you’re planning to wear for the rest of your life, you’ll want to make sure its style can grow with you.